It was a Par-fect day on the greens with our Golf Fore Kids event!

Friday, September 22 – Variety held our fifth annual Golf Fore Kids Charity Classic presented by Techify at Remington Parkview Golf & Country Club. ⛳

Co-hosted by Cathedral Bluffs Yacht Club, our 5th annual tournament saw over 120+ golfers and raised over $24,000 to further provide inclusive and progressive programming for more than 6,000 children with disabilities, their families, and the community. That’s over $100,000 we have raised since we started our tournament in 2019. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, or a better group of golfers, donors, sponsors and volunteers to help bring this event to life. We really appreciate your support!

Thank you as well to all our silent auction bidders, congratulations on your prizes!

Interested in joining us for our upcoming event and making a difference for children? Reach out to Tanishka Warekar at Let’s make an impact together!

Thank you to our sponsors, for your support of our charity Golf Fore Kids Tournament. Your partnership means a lot to us, we’ve been able to raise vital funds and continue developing valuable programs that benefit our community in countless ways. This event simply wouldn’t be possible without your support. Thank you for being a true champion for our cause.

Presenting Sponsor | Co-Host & Partner

  • Techify Logo
  • cybc logo

Gift – In – Kind Sponsor

  • Tracer Golf logo for Variety Ontario's Golf Fore Kids Charity Classic on September 23.

Specialty Hole Sponsors

  • Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers

Libation ‘Happy-Hour’ Sponsor

  • Graeme R. Kirkland, CIM

Grame R. Kirkland, CIM

  • $25,000+


  • $32,000+


  • $24,000+
