Life for children with disabilities should be more than accessible. It should be inclusive.

That’s why we offer sports, activities, skill development, and other participatory programming in community centres and sporting facilities across Ontario.

Why children with disabilities?

  • How we help

    Variety programming empowers children with disabilities to be seen, participate, and feel included. We bring accessible facilities to life with sports, fitness, activities, summer camps, skills training, and coaching for competitive and Paralympic athletes. Through local partnerships, we extend our reach through accessibility training and education.

    Locations & Programs

Help Us. Help Kids.

We strive to create inclusive environments, offering essential sports and life skills programs, while working passionately to ensure every child feels a sense of belonging. Discover how your support makes a difference and the impact of our efforts.

Will you help us reach them?

Right now, here in Ontario, the vast majority of children with disabilities do not have access to programming. We can’t leave them behind.

As little as $35 can open a space for a child who’s waiting now. That’s one life changed, entirely because of you.


  • Parents & Families

    As a parent, you know how vital programming for children with disabilities is. Raise your voice to demand equal opportunity for every child.

    Be an advocate

  • Volunteers


    Looking to help and give back to your community? Meet new people? Complete high school volunteer hours? Come put your skills to work.

    donate your time

  • Corporate Giving

    What starts as a strategic partnership becomes a movement – a shared vision your employees and customers will throw their time and attention behind.

    Corporate Support

  • Local Governments

    When you break down barriers and expand access to services, you see better outcomes for children and their families.

    Support your community

Coming together to create impact

Inspirational events rally our community around a common goal: to transform the lives of children with disabilities.

See upcoming events